Shree Borivali Gujarati Seva Mandal a Registered Social (SBGSM) – Charitable organisation was established in the year 1967 with a motive of helping lower section of the society mainly in Medical Sector. It started with Ayurved & Naturopathy in small garage.
It has undertaken a Seva Journey of 49 years. After putting up lot of hard work and efforts today SBGSM has become a MUST Medical Sector for Borivali & Adjoining suburbs.
At SBGSM patients irrespective of caste, colour & creed are given high grade quality Medicines, Treatments, Diagnostic Tests, etc. at very nominal discounted charge & totally free in case needy and non- affording cases. Because of its high quality services & treatment people of all class and from all walks of life, all the corners of the society are regularly coming for their medical needs to SBGSM.
Starting with Naturopathy & Ayurved departments today SBGSM has got 23 various departments with Consulting, Treating, Diagnostic facilities. SBGSM is purely a Day Care Centre. Today when availing of good quality treatment, hospitalisation etc. has become beyond the reach of the common man & has only become dream, SBGSM is providing various medical services of high quality at most affordable charge & within the reach of the common man & for non-affording totally free.
SBGSM has got NatureCare, Ayurved, Dental, Homeopathy, Pathology, Digital X-Ray, Colour Sonography, 2-D Echo, Colour Doppler, Orthopedic, Skin, Cardiac, ECG, Social Counseling, etc. SBGSM has also got Eye Hospital equipped with latest facility OT, Eye Testing & Surgery, highly sophisticated machines. SBGSM has been successful in restoring the normal vision after surgery of thousands of patients in its luxurious joint less Operation Theater.
At our Centre Medicines are given just at the rates of Rs. 10/- per day. Case paper charges are just Rs. 10/- & in consultation by various highly qualified Doctors just Rs. 80/- . In Dental Department dentures of top quality & material are prepared in just Rs. 1100/- & Rs. 2000/- depending on types of material . Cataract Operations with imported lens implant are performed at just Rs. 3000/- & phaco Rs. 6500/- & foldable lens at just Rs. 16000/- . In non- affording cases at further concessional charge and/ or free. In Diagnostic field Digital X-rays are taken out at just Rs. 160/- per X-Ray. Colour Sonography at just Rs. 550/-, Colour 2D-Echo at only Rs. 950/- All types of Blood Tests are done at just negligible charge.
Apart from catering various types of Medical services to 400-425 patients per day SBGSM every year organises 5/6 totally free camps/ Shibirs, in which patients are given free consultancy & free medicines for 15days & further as the case may be. Even Digital X- Rays, Blood Tests, Sonography, ECG, Etc. are done free of charge in such Shibirs. In the year 2014 Free Eye checking & operation camp was organised & totally 190 patients were operated totally free for cataract with imported lens implant. During the year 2014, 4 camps in various faculties were organised & totally 2895 patients were examined & treated & medicines were also given free to the required patients & for free operations the process is ongoing.
SBGSM is the first Institute to introduce disease –wise Ayurved Shibir in which internationally & nationally known vaids from Maharashtra, Mumbai, Gujarat offer their valuable honorary services. SBGSM is possibly the first Institute in the country to hold totally free Angiography Shibir with all pathological tests also free. In the year 2014 & until now SBGSM has performed 110 Angiographies totally free & the process is still going on. In Eye Faculty in the year 2014 totally 195 patients were operated for cataract with imported lens implant free of charge with all the pre-surgical pathological tests, fitness tests, ECG, etc. also free of charge & in other faculties 2415 patients were treated totally free with 2895 free patients in the camps during 2014.
This year in the month of January Free Multi specialty camp was organised for 6 days in a row along with our regular daily services – In this in Ayurved faculty 14 renowned vaids of Ayurved world, nationally & internationally known offered services & 6 top class surgeons,Neurologists, Cardiologist, Urologist, Diabetologist, offered their services. In all 1318 patients were examined & treated & Ayurved patients were given free medicines for 15 days, Diagnostic tests, X-Rays, ECG, Blood Tests, EEG, Mammography were also done free of charge of more than 355 patients. In the year ending 31st March 2014 totally 1,49,750 patients were given treatment, medicine etc in the SBGSM.
Widening the scope of our services we introduced Pediatric Department with vaccination services for the children up to the age of 15 years& also introduced Pediatric Dentistry services. For publicizing this with a view to make reach the fruits of these services we organise free camps in various faculties & thereby encouraging the people to avail of all such services.
We have recently introduced Hematology Department/ Services with a view mainly to treat & extend medical helping hand to the patients suffering from Thalesemia, Leukemia, Cancer, Blood related diseases. We are planning to introduce chemo therapy, Bone marrow implant services in short period with very affordable charges. This will be one more feature in Mandal’s Seva cap & will go on & on just for helping the patients in getting rid of their sickness & going to world of Sound Health.
We are planning to start Ayurved Research Centre, Chemotherapy centre, Dialysis services, ENT & Orthopedic surgical facilities etc. in near future. This is a centre where utmost care is taken of every patient irrespective of stature of the patient & we have a long way to go ahead catering the medical needs of the patients of Borivali & adjoining suburbs where SBGSM has become a must Medical centre.